Trinity Railway Express (TRE)
Bridgefarmer prepared preliminary and final plans, specifications and estimate for a 2.2-mile double track railroad and 8,300 feet of bridge to provide grade separations over three busy City of Irving Streets, Belt Line Road, Briery Road and Story Road. The new facility is being used by Trinity Railway Express (TRE), Burlington North Santa Fe (BNSF) and Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR)
This project also included intersection improvements for Belt Line Road,
Rock Island, Briery Road, Story Road and reconstruction of the existing
track and the construction of a new second track in Irving, Texas. The
new track is located 15 feet south and parallel to the existing track. The
track construction extends from approximately 800' west of Gilbert
Road to approximately 200 feet west of Rogers. Two tracks were
designed to be located on an 8,300-foot bridge structure extending from
approximately 1,200 feet west of Belt Line Road to approximately 1,000
feet west of Irby Lane. The project also provided for the reconstruction of
intersecting streets adjacent to the existing track.